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Our Story & Team

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Fiber-X Team consists of an experienced group from different industrial backgrounds, with decades of process and material knowhow.  Our core team, combined with an extensive network of experts, offers solutions to your problems. We are not big and scary - we are smaller, and therefore a fast and flexible partner for all kinds of companies, from startups to big bioindustry giants.

Our Story

The story of Fiber-X Finland started in 2019, when four visionary entrepreneurs, united by past collaborations, envisioned a unique environment where companies and innovators can freely test and pilot their ideas. Fiber-X's roots are in material development and hands on -training, and there was a need to continue them from Finland.  This vision was not just a company, but a catalyst for innovation - Fiber-X Finland was born.


In the pioneering spirit of Fiber-X Sweden AB, where Heikki Sojakka led development work with alternative materials since 90's, we have grown to drive the transition from ideas to industry.  Today, Fiber-X is a beacon for large and small companies, guiding them through lab and pilot scale testing to commercial bioplants.


In a rapidly changing business and challenging financial situation, Fiber-X is the best partner that bioindustry startup can imagine. We offer our customers a cost-effective long term partnership and life cycle support from idea to production.


Our story is just beginning. Welcome to our ecosystem - Let's shape a regenerative future together, in close cooperation with nature!



Meet Our Solutions Specialists

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